Jill Sanders - Maggie's Match

Maggie's Match

Margaret Jackson is tired of playing games with Ricky. He's been leading her on since they were children, and she's had enough. It's time for her to leave the small town of Fairplay, Texas and find out who she truly is.

When Rick returns home and discovers that Maggie is gone, he's taken aback. He's been in love with her for as long as he can remember, but he never had the courage to tell her. Now that she's gone, he realizes he may have missed his chance.

Determined to win Maggie's heart, Rick sets out to show her just how much she means to him. But can he convince her to give him a chance, or will their past mistakes keep them apart forever? As they navigate their way through love and heartbreak, they'll discover that sometimes, the most important things in life are the ones we've had all along.

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